EZ 2000 - Appointments Module

Appointments Module 

    Module Defaults
    Schedules for Providers and Employees
    Appointment Views
Schedule an Appointment
Edit an Appointment
Delete, Break, Complete, or Unschedule an Appointment
Appointment Lists
      Planned Tracker

The dental practice is driven by the Appointments Module.  This is where you can schedule or see the daily or weekly appointments. 

The screen above shows appointments for the current day or week. White areas mean “available” times as setup in Schedules. The horizontal red line means the current time. It automatically moves down every minute. By using the scrollbar (right) you may move up and down throughout the entire 24 hour day.

Appointment details are displayed in an appointment box. In order to view more details, simply hover over the appointment.  Double click to open the Edit Appointment window, or right click to select more options.  As appointments are Set Complete, they are grayed out. Broken appointments are marked with an X. To move an appointment, simply click and drag it to a different time, day (in Weekly view), or to the PinBoard (see below).

Every appointment has a second optional provider for hygiene so that only one appointment has to be made even if a patient is technically seeing two providers.

Customizing the Grid
Views, colors, and default options can be customized for your practice.

Default Options: See Appointments Module Setup.

Day or Week View
Day or week view is determined by the radio buttons under the calendar.
- Day: Shows the current day's appointments, and divides the grid into Operatories.
- Week: Shows appointments for an entire week, and divides the grid into seven days (Monday through Sunday). The appointments will appear narrow, so hover over the appointment to view more details. You can move appointments within the current week by dragging and dropping, or you can use the PinBoard.

Views:  In Appointment Views, customize what shows in an appointment box, define what operatories and providers show, and set appointment time increments. You can set up several different views, e.g. one view for your hygiene rooms, one view for each doctor, etc.

Providers:  Each appointment can be color-coded per provider. On the left, a vertical, color-coded time bar also shows each provider's time. Hover over the colored square above the time bar to see the associated provider's name.  Colors can be set in Provider Setup, Appointment colors.

Operatories: Set operatory names and order in Operatory Setup.

Appointment Grid Colors: Set colors for blockouts, holidays, open/closed times, etc. See Definitions, Appointment Colors.

Appointment Lists
Above the Calendar is the Appointments Lists icon.  Click to view the Recall, Confirmation, Planned Tracker, Unscheduled, and ASAP lists.

Print Daily or Weekly Appointments
Click the printer icon to print a list of weekly or daily appointments that you can post throughout the office in areas where you do not have monitors.
Start/Stop Time: Enter specific times to include in the list.
Operatories per page: Will directly affect how many pages will print. More operatories per page will result in less printed pages.
Font Size: Also affects how many pages will print.
Click Save to save your settings for the next time you print. Click OK to print

Time increments and rows per increment (Appointment Views) can also affect printing. If too many pages are still printing, increase the time increments or set the rows per increment to one.

The day currently showing appears above the calendar. The current date is surrounded by a square. Click on a date to quickly go to that day in the appointment grid.
  - Change the day: Click on the new date, or click the blue arrows to jump back/forward one day.
  - Change the week: Click the blue W arrows to jump back/forward one week.
  - Change the month: Click the arrows arrows to the left/right of the month to jump back/forward one month at a time, or click the blue M arrows below the calendar.
  - Change the year: Single click on the month header (e.g. September 2013), then single click on the year to show a 12 year grid.
  - Today: Jump to today's date.

The PinBoard is useful for moving appointments between days. Drag an appointment to the pinboard, select a different day, then drag the appointment to the new time. You can drag multiple appointments to the PinBoard at one time. Press Clear to clear the PinBoard and return any appointments to their originally scheduled time.

Search: If your schedule is booked out for more than a few days, manually searching for a slot can be time consuming. Instead, you can search for available openings. Schedules must be set up for the search to work.

The search can be filtered by date, time, and provider (specific provider, all dentists, all hygienists). If you change criteria, click Search again to refresh the results. Two search behavior options are available in Appointments Module Setup.

Search results will contain the first available time slots for each of the next 10 available days.  Click on any date to jump to it in the schedule.  Click More to see the next 10 results.  When you find a suitable appointment date, drag the appointment off the PinBoard, then close the search box.

Other Information
View: Click the dropdown to select the Appointment View to display on this workstation. Views can also be selected by pressing an associated Function keys that are usually across the top of your keyboard.

Lab Cases:  View Lab Cases.

Daily Production:  View the daily production sum for the selected day. To display this number, you must also have the Production field displayed in the Appointment View. If PPO insurance is set up, you might see two numbers in this box. The first number is the gross, or the sum of the procedure fees. The second number is the net after subtracting all PPO writeoffs and PPO writeoff estimates. If the gross and net amounts are the same, only one number will show.  PPO writeoffs will be used when viewing dates in the past, and estimates will be used when viewing current or future dates.

Action Buttons: Quickly Delete, Break, or Complete an Appointment, or send it to the Unscheduled List.

Appointment Status: Quickly change a appointment status. Status options can be customized in Definitions, Appt Confirmed. Some statuses can be set as a triggers for Time Arrived, Time Seated and Time Dismissed.  See Edit Appointment.

Appointment Buttons
Make Appt: Schedule an appointment.
- If this is an appointment for a new patient, or the patient has only completed appointments, the Edit Appointment window shows.
- If the patient has scheduled, broken, unscheduled, or planned appointments, the Appointments for [patient name] window shows.

Make Recall: Schedule the patient's next Recall appointment. Patient must be due for a 'special' Recall Type, meaning a 'special' trigger procedure has been completed. Otherwise, a message will indicate no recall is due.

  • If the patient has an unscheduled or scheduled appointment (recall or not), the Appointments for [patient name] window opens so you can check appointment history before scheduling.  Otherwise the appointment is copied to the PinBoard.
  • When copied to the PinBoard, if the treating Provider is Scheduled in an operatory, the calendar will jump to the recall due date, or the next date that has an availability for the appointment length.

Custom recalls that are not a 'special' recall type cannot be scheduled using Make Recall, UNLESS the patient is also due for a 'special' recall type. If so, then Make Recall will schedule one recall appointment for all recalls due. If the patient is only due for a custom recall type, click Make Appt to schedule.

Fam Recall: Schedule Recall appointments for all family members. Similar behavior as Make Recall.

View Pat Appts: View the patient's appointment history and family recall information on the Appointments for [patient name] window.

Waiting Room:  If, on the Edit Appointment window, patients have a Time Arrived, but not a Time Seated, they will list in the Waiting Room.  Once they have a Time Seated value, they will be removed from the Waiting Room.  Times are usually triggered by confirmation statuses.  See Appointments Module Setup or Edit Appointment for details.

Employee Schedules:  Under this tab you can see the current day's Schedule for each employee who is working. Double click on a time block to edit a schedule.


  EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software  (800) 273-5033