EZ 2000 Manual - Appointment Views

Appointment Views 

In the Appointments module you can set up different appointment views that have any combination of Operatories and Providers. For example, you can define one view for your hygiene rooms, one view for each doctor, or any number of other creative combinations. Different views are also useful when you have many operatories, or want to control what shows.  The number of operatories that can show at one time is controlled by screen size.  Usually six to seven operatories can show at once. 

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointment Views.

Views:   Each view is associated with a function key, one of the 12 keys at the top of your keyboard above the number keys. The F-key for a view is determined by position in the list. As you add views, additional F-keys will be assigned. Click the up/down arrows to reorder views.  When the Appointment module is open, easily switch between views by pressing the F-keys. Views can also be selected using the dropdown on the right of the Appointment module, under the PinBoard.

Time Increments: Set the time increments used for appointments.

Proc Colors: See Proc Colors below.

Click Add to create a new view.  Double click an existing view to edit.

Using this interface, you can define which operatories appear in this appointment view and what information is included. To add or reorder operatories, see Operatory Setup.

Description: The name of this appointment view.

Rows per Time Increment (usually 1): Enter a number between 1 and 3 to change the height of rows used in time increments.

Scrollbar Behavior: When EZ 2000 Plus Dental is first launched, the schedule will automatically scroll to 8 am. Afterward, the scroll bar will remember the last position it was in and stay there. If you have multiple appointment views with different Rows Per Time Increment values (for example 1 or 2) the scroll bar may grow or shrink, which can cause it to "jump" when switching between the views. 

Only show operatories for scheduled providers: Dynamically change the view for each day depending on which providers are scheduled. When using this option, separate morning and afternoon views can be set up. This is useful if providers are reassigned to different operatories after lunch.

View Operatories: Select the Operatories to show in this view. At least one operatory must be selected. Press Ctrl while clicking to select multiple operatories.

View Provider Bars: Select which Provider time bars will show in this view. Time bars appear on the left of the Appointments window. Press Ctrl while clicking to select multiple providers.

Arrows:  In the middle of the window are a right arrow and a left arrow. To the left of the arrows are fields that can be shown. To the right are fields currently displayed in this appointment view, organized by location (main appointment box, upper right corner, lower right corner).  To add a field, highlight the row, then click the right arrow. Move it back by clicking the left arrow.

Available Rows: These fields are options to display in an appointment box on the schedule.  Some of these fields are not entirely intuitive:
  - Lab: Show the status of lab cases. We recommend changing the text color to red as well.
  - Procs: List procedures for the appointment on a single line, separated by commas. If they are too long to all fit on one line, then it wraps to the next line.
  - Production: The sum of the fees for all procedures attached to the appointment for providers whose provider bar is showing. This must be displayed in order to see the daily production sum at the right of the Appointments module. If PPO insurance is set up, then you may see two numbers in the production box. The first number is the gross, or the sum of the procedure fees. The second number is the net after subtracting all PPO writeoffs and PPO writeoff estimates. PPO writeoffs will be used when viewing dates in the past, and estimates will be used when viewing current or future dates.
  - ConfirmedColor: Displays a colored circle to indicate appointment confirmation status.

Appt Field Defs:  Custom Appointment Fields that can be added to the appointment box.

Patient Field Defs:  Custom Patient Fields that can be added to the appointment box.

Main List: Information that will appear in the main appointment box.

Upper Right Corner: Information that will appear in the upper right corner of the appointment box. Sometimes a symbol is used to represent the information. If a symbol will be used, it is shown in brackets in the field name (e.g. HasIns [ | ]).

UR stack behavior: Select how information in the upper right corner will display.

Lower Right Corner: Information that will appear in the lower right corner of the appointment box.

LR stack behavior: Select how information in the lower right corner will display.

To change the order of an item in a list, select it, then click the up/down arrow. To change the properties (text color and position) of an item, double click on it.

Text Color: Click Change to select the text color for this item.
Alignment: Click on the location where this item should appear (Main = Main List, UR = Upper Rght Corner, LR = Lower Right Corner).

Proc Colors
The Proc Colors button on the main Appointment Views window only applies when you use the "ProcsColored" field in an view. It determines the text color of procedures for a specific Procedure Code range.

Click Proc Colors.

Click Add.

Code Range: Enter the range of procedure codes that this text color will apply to.

Text Color: Click Change to change the text color for procedures in this range.

Show previous date: Check this box to show the previous completed procedure date. For example if previous BWs were taken in March of 2008, then 4BW (3/08) would show. The date for any given code range will always be the same for a single patient. It will be the most recent of any code in that range. If you want the most recent date for a specific procedure code, then add another item to the list of Proc Code Ranges, and just enter that single procedure code in the range box.


EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software  (800) 273-5033