EZ 2000 Manual - Custom Patient Fields

Custom Patient Fields  

Here you can define custom patient fields that will show in the Patient Information area of the Family module.  For example, add fields for a second email, fax number, patient's website, trivia, signed HIPAA, etc.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Patient Field Defs.

Click Add, or double click an existing custom field to edit.

Field Name:  Enter the field name.

Field Type:  There are five types of patient fields.
  - Text:  Create a field where users can enter any freeform text.
  - PickList:  Create a list of options that users can select from.  Enter one item on each line.  Answers will be attached to patients as plain text.
  - Date:  Create a field that only allows dates.  These dates will be attached to patients as plain text rather than as a formal date.
  - Checkbox:  Create a single checkbox that users can use to indicate yes or true. 
  - Currency:  Create a field that only allows numeric values.  Values will be converted to currency (e.g. 1 will be converted to $1.00).

To enter information in a custom patient field, go to the Patient Information area in the Family module.  The custom fields appear at the bottom.  Double click a field, then enter the information. 

Information entered in a custom patient field can be displayed in Appointment Views.