Operatory Setup 

Operatory setup includes customizing operatory names and how  operatories show in the Appointments module.  Each operatory can be assigned a default Clinic  and Provider (Dentist or Hygienist) that is automatically assigned to appointments made in the operatory. Operatories can also be assigned when setting up Schedules and Appointment Views

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Operatories.

To get you started, several operatories are preset in EZ2000 Plus Dental. It is easy to change to the way you want it displayed. The sort order of the list determines the left to right order of operatory columns in the Appointments module. To move an operatory, simplybclick on it, then click the up/down arrows.

To edit an operatory, double click it, or click Add to add a new operatory.

Op Name:  The title for the operatory column in the Appointments module. The title will have the same background color that is set for the Dentist.

Abbrev (max 5 characters): The abbreviation that will identify this operatory in various lists throughout the program.

Is Hidden: Check this box to remove this operatory from Appointment Views and as a selection in various lists.  Operatories are not allowed to be deleted.

Clinic: This field only shows if Clinics in turned on in Show Features.  The default Clinic assigned to Appointments made in the operatory. 

Dentist:  The default Provider assigned to Appointments made in the operatory. Providers can also be set in the Schedule.

Hygienist: The default hygienist assigned to Appointments made in the operatory. If the hygienist is the main provider for this operatory, check the Is Hygiene box so the hygienist will be set as the default provider when an appointment is created.

Note:  To assign the Dentist to all appointment procedures placed in a Dentist Only operatory (including hygiene procedures), set the dentist as both the Dentist and Hygienist for the operatory.  Otherwise, hygiene procedures (e.g. PA's) may be assigned to the hygienist even though scheduled in a dentist operatory. 

Set Prospective: When checked, the Status for Patients in this operatory will be set to 'prospective'. This is useful in large Clinics that set many tentative appointments for patients that may not show up. Typically, one or more operatories are set up for prospective patients, and all patients scheduled have a status of 'prospective'. When you move the appointment out of this operatory, and into one that is not “Set Prospective,” patient status automatically changes to 'patient'.

Once your operatories are defined, set up Appointment Views.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033