Custom Appointment Fields  

Here you can add custom Appointment fields. Fields will be visible on the Edit Appointment window under Appt Fields, and can be displayed in an Appointment View.  These are a more organized alternative to notes.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointment Field Defs.

Custom fields already setup are listed.  A field can only be deleted if it is not used in appointments.

Click Add, or double click an existing field to edit.

Field Name:  Enter the name of the field.

Field Type:  There are two options:
  - Text: Create a text field where users can enter freeform text.
  - PickList: Create a list of options the user can choose from. Enter each option on one line.

To enter information in a custom appointment field, go to the Appt Fields area of the Edit Appointment window.  Double click a field, then enter the information. 

Information entered in a custom appointment field can be displayed in Appointment Views


EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software  (800) 273-5033