EZ 2000 Manual - Blockouts


Blockouts are blocks of time in the Appointments module that are set ahead of time for specific purposes such a lunch or AM huddles. Blockouts do not enforce any scheduling; they just change the background color of the schedule. Appointments are scheduled on top of blockouts. The view below shows some blockouts on an empty day when no appointments have been scheduled yet:

Blockout types and colors are setup in Definitions, Blockout.  To use outlines instead of solid blocks of color, see Appointments Module Setup.  To use dummy appointments as a quick way to post a note, see the bottom of the Notes page.  Blockouts cannot overlap.

To manage blockouts, right click on the main schedule to open an additional menu, then select an option.

Edit Blockout:  Change an existing blockout.
Cut Blockout:  Remove an existing blockout from the schedule, but retain it in memory.
Copy Blockout:  Copy an existing blockout to the clipboard.
Paste Blockout: Insert a cut or copied blockout in the time and operatory indicated by the mouse.
Delete Blockout:  Permanently remove a blockout.
Add Blockout:  Create a new blockout.
Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste:  Quickly copy and paste blockouts by day or week. See below.
Clear All Blockouts for Day:  Remove all blockouts for the current day.  A confirmation message will show.
Edit Blockout Types: Quickly jump to Definitions, Blockout to set up blockout types.

Add or Edit a Blockout
On the schedule, right click to open the blockout menu, then click Edit Blockout or Add Blockout.  Edit Blockout is only enabled when you right click on an existing blockout.

Start/Stop Time: Manually enter a time or click the dropdown to select an option.  You are not required to use 30 minute increments. If manually entering, use the format 00:00 AM

Note:  Optional text that will show under the blockout label.

Blockout Type:  Options are customizable in Definitions, Blockouts.

Operatores:  To select multiple Operatories, press Ctrl while clicking.

Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste
This is a tool to copy and paste blockouts for a week or day. Changes only apply to the visible operatories for the current Appointment View

1. In the Appointments module, move the schedule to the day you want to act on.
2. Right click on the schedule and select Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste.

Clear Day:  Remove all blockouts on the selected day (daily or weekly view). 

Copy Day/Paste:  Once you have one day's blockouts set up, copy and paste it to other days.
1.  Click Copy Day.  The window will close.
2.  Right click on the day you want to paste to, and select Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste again. The copied date will show. 
3.  Click Paste. 

Copy Week/Paste:  Once an entire week's blockouts are set up, copy/paste the week.
1.  To include weekends in the copy, check the Include Weekends box. 
2.  Click Copy Week.  The window will close.
3.  Right click on the week you want to paste to, and select Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste again.   The copied date range will show. 
4.  Click Paste. 

Copy/Repeat:  Instead of pasting one day or week at a time, you can also paste repeatedly.
1. Copy the day or week. 
2. On the first day/week you would like to paste repeatedly, right click and select Blockout Cut-Copy-Paste again.
3. In the # box next to Repeat, enter the number of days/weeks in the future you would like to paste the blockouts, such as 365 days or 52 weeks.
4. Click Repeat.

Replace Existing:  If checked, the day or week being pasted/repeated will replace any existing blockouts.  If unchecked, existing blockouts will not be replaced. 

Hint: To clear multiple days or weeks, create one blank day or week, make sure Replace Existing is checked, then Copy/Repeat. 


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software  800-273-5033