Unscheduled List  

The unscheduled appointment list is a place to temporarily store Appointments that need to be scheduled. It should be kept very short and reviewed often so it doesn't become unmanageable.  For long-term storage, use the Planned Appointment Tracker instead.

On the Appointment Lists window, click Unscheduled.

Double click on an appointment to open the Edit Appointment window where you can create Comm Log Notes, change the Unscheduled Status, or send the appointment to the Pinboard for scheduling.

Once an appointment is scheduled, the status will change to scheduled, and it will no longer show in this list. Alternatively, you can verify that a Planned Appointment exists, and then simply delete the unscheduled appointment after making an appropriate comm log entry. Then, it will show in the Planned Appointment Tracker.

Filter and sort options:  Shorten or sort the unscheduled list by specific criteria.  Click Refresh to update the list.
- Order by: Sort the list alphabetically by appointment status, alphabetically by last name, first name, or by date the appointment was created.
- Incude Broken Appointments:  We do not recommend this filter.
- Provider: Only view appointments for a specific Provider.
- Clinic: Only view appointments for a specific Clinic.
- Site: Only view appointments for a specific Site.

Print:  Print the list as it appears on-screen.

Send Appointments to Unscheduled List
There are a few ways to send an appointment to the unscheduled list.

- In the Appointment schedule, right click on the appointment, then select Send to Unscheduled List.
- Single click on the appointment, then click on the right. 

- On the Edit Appointment window, select UnschedList as the Status.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033