
To add an adjustment, in the Account module, click Adjustment.

Adjustments are always attached to a single patient and Provider.  The adjustment can be an addition or a subtraction to the account. Adjustments are reportable. See Reports.

- Entry Date: The date the adjustment entry was created. It cannot be changed.
- Adjustment Date: It is advised to make this date the same as the date of the payment or procedure it relates to.
- (procedure date): Enter the date of the procedure attached to this adjustment.

Amount: Enter the amount of the adjustment.

Provider: Select the provider to attach to the adjustment.

Clinic:  This feature is only visible when Clinics is turned on in Show Features.  Select the clinic to attach to the adjustment.

Adj Types:  Options are customizable in Definitions, Adj Types.
Additions:  An Addition type adds a charge to the patient's account. 
- Subtractions: A Subtraction type adds a credit to the patient's account. 

Note:  Enter any notes about the adjustment.


EZ 2000 Plus Dental Software 1-800-273-5033