EZ 2000 Manual - Manage Module Setup

Manage Module Setup 

Here you can set default options and settings for the Manage module. Check a box to turn a feature on; uncheck a box to turn it off.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Modules.  Click the Manage tab.

Send all new perscriptions to electronic queue:  Only added for EHR certification.

Time Card first day of week for overtime:  Overtime for over 40 hours a week is calculated based on a week starting on this day.  See Time Card Setup.

Show return address: When checked, the Practice address will show on Statements.

Show credit card info: When checked, blank lines will show on Statements in the upper right, so users can enter credit card information.

Show notes for payments:  When checked, Payment notes will show on Statements.  These notes always show in the Patient Account Grid in the Account module.

Show notes for adjustments:  When checked, Adjustment notes will show on Statements. These notes always show in the Patient Account Grid in the Account module.

Show procedure breakdown: When checked, additional financial information will show on Statements in the description column for each procedure (e.g. patient portion, insurance paid, writeoff, adjustment).   This information will show regardless of whether the "Show Proc Breakdowns" box is checked in the Account module show tab.

Account Numbers use: Select whether to use Chart Number or PatNum on Statements.

Days to calculate due date. Usually 10 or 15. Leave blank to show "Due on Receipt":  Enter the number of days that will be used to calculate the Due Date on Statements.

Days in advance to bill payment plan amounts due. Usually 10 or 15:  See Payment Plans.

Show insurance pending and related balance info on statement summary: When checked, shows insurance pending on Statements.

Default to all types of statements printing in intermingled mode:  When checked, the default mode for individually printed Statements is to mix patients in the same family together in one grid and sorted by date.  If unchecked, each patient will have a section on the statement.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033