


Depending on your office protocol for patient billing, statements can be printed individually from the Account module, or as part of a batch Billing process. When a statement is printed or emailed, a pdf version is saved in the Account module and can be reprinted or viewed later.  Select default options for statements in Manage Module Setup.

Printing Statements Individually
There are six statement options.  In the Account module toolbar, click Statement to print it directly, or click the dropdown arrow to select another option.

Statement: Prints a statement that includes procedures for all family members, payment information, expected patient portion due, insurance estimates, and scheduled appointments.

Walkout:  Prints a statement that only shows today's procedures for a single patient, the total expected patient portion due, insurance estimate, balance, and any scheduled appointments.  It does not include payment information. 

E-mail:  Opens the E-mail Edit window and automatically attaches a pdf of the complete Statement.  The subject and body of the e-mail are automatically filled in based Billing Defaults for Email Statements, but can be edited before sending.  To e-mail a receipt instead, use the More Options dropdown instead.

Receipt:  Prints a receipt that shows only today's payments for a single patient, the total expected patient portion due, insurance estimate, and balance. It does not show procedures or scheduled appointments.  The heading shows RECEIPT instead of STATEMENT.

Invoice:  Generate an invoice that is attached procedures and adjustments.  See Invoice.

More Options:  Create a statement or receipt not described above.  The Statement window will open.

  • Sent:  Automatically checked once the statement is printed or e-mailed.  It can also be changed manually. 
  • Mode:  The method of delivery.
  • Hide payment options:  If checked, the amount due, date due, and amount enclosed will not show on the statement. 
  • Single patient only:  If checked, only the selected patient's procedures are included.  In unchecked, procedures for all family members are included. 
  • Intermingle family members: Mixes all patients in the family in one grid instead of each having their own grid. 
  • Receipt:  Create a receipt instead of a statement.
  • Date Range:  Procedures that fall between the start and end date will show on the statement.  Type the dates, or click one of the buttons to insert a date.  If either of the dates are blank, it's the same as not putting a limit on the date range. So if both dates are blank, then all procedures will show.
  • Notes:  General notes that appear on the statement.
  • Bold Note:  Show in bold red at both the top and bottom of the statement.
    When printing individual statements, there is not a way to set a default note or dunning messages.  But if you set up your Quick Paste Notes properly, you can fill in a variety of notes in this box using only 2 keystrokes each (? single letter abbreviation).   Default notes and dunning messages can also easily be set as part of the batch Billing process.
  • Print:  Send the statement to the default printer.
  • Email:  Open the E-mail window, with a pdf version of the statement attached.
  • View:  Preview the statement.

The statement is designed to be printed on standard perforated billing paper and to fit inside a standard window envelope. Envelopes and billing paper may be ordered from many companies.

Sample Statement:


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