Recall and Confirmation Setup


Recall and Confirmation Setup 

Recall and confirmation setup options control default behavior when sending postcards, E-mails, and Text Messages from the Recall and Confirmation Lists.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Recall.

Messages: Double click on a row to edit a message. Text with brackets [NameF] indicates where information will be pulled directly from the database.

Status: The default status for emailed vs mailed recalls and confirmations. Customize Confirmation status options in Definitions, Appt Confirmed. Customize Recall status options in Definitions, Recall/Unsch Status.

Postcards per sheet (1,3, or 4): The number of postcards to print per sheet.

Show return address: Print a return address on postcards.

Types to show in recall list: Select the Recall Types that show in the Recall List.

Recall List Default View: Select view options for the Recall List.
  - Group Families: Group patients in the same family together.
  - Days Past: Determines the default start date for the Recall List. The farther back you go, the less patients will slip through the cracks. Once you get your recall under control, consider leaving it blank to include all previous patients.
  - Days Future: Determines the default end date on the Recall List.

Exclude from list if recall scheduled/Exclude from list if any future appt: The option selected will determine when patients are excluded from the Recall List.

Also show in list if # of days since: Each patient will first show up on the list when they are due for recall. Once a reminder (Commlog of type Recall) is created, they will disappear from the list until they are due for their next reminder.
  - of days since Initial Reminder: The number of days until the second reminder is triggered.
  - # of days since Second (or more) Reminder: The number of days until the third and subsequent reminders are triggered.
  - Max # of Reminders: The maximum number of reminders before a patient is removed from the list. Some offices believe there should be no maximum; in these cases leave the box empty.

Adjust Postcard Position in Inches: Change the offset when printing.

Use e-mail if:
  - Has Email Address: When a patient does not have a Preferred Confirm or Recall Method set on the Patient Edit window, but has an e-mail address, e-mail will be used as the default method.
  - E-mail is preferred contact method: Email will be the default method only when it is defined as the preferred option on the Patient Edit window.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033