Patient Forms 

Patient forms are a type of Sheet that patients can complete electronically, such as a registration form, Medical History, HIPAA form, etc.  If a patient form uses Input Fields, entered data can be Imported into the database. 

Patients can complete the forms in one of three ways:
  - On a Kiosk.
  - Via Web Forms.
  - Directly in the online form (e.g. on the operatory computer, on a tablet, etc.)

Forms can also be filled in on paper, then scanned into the Images module. See Registration Forms.

To view, edit or add a patient form, in the main Toolbar, click Forms.

The list displays all of the patient forms that have been generated for the patient. It also displays images, pdf's, or other files that are in an Images category marked with a usage of 'Show in Patient Forms' (see Definitions).  Double click on a row to view the document or image in the Fill Sheet window.

Setup Menu: Click Setup in the upper left corner, then select a menu option.
  - Sheets: Go to Sheet Setup to customize patient forms and medical histories.
  - Image Categories: Go to Definitions, Image Categories to define which Image module categories display in the Patient Forms and Medical Histories list.  To show files from an image category, double click on the category, then check the Show in Patient Forms box. 
  - Options: Check the box to show Consent Forms in the list.

Buttons:  There are five buttons across the bottom of the window.
  - Add: Create a new form for this patient.
  - Kiosk: Send any forms selected for this patient to the Kiosk.
  - Copy: Create a new copy of an existing form (useful when updating information).
  - Import: Import completed form data into the database. See Patient Form Import.
  - Close: Exit the window.

Create a Form for a Patient
On the Patient Form window, click Add.

A list of all Sheets that have a type of 'patient form' or 'medical history' will show. Consent forms will also show if the box is checked in the Setup menu, Options.

From here there are two options:
1. Double click a single form, then print it, email it, Fill it Out or simply send it to the patient's list of forms.
2. Highlight one or more forms, then click To Kiosk to put the form in the Kiosk queue.  All forms waiting to go to the kiosk will have a number indicating its order in the Kiosk column of the Patient Form window. To change the order, double click on the form, then change the value in the Show Order in Kiosk field.  When forms are ready to be filled out by the patient, click Kiosk to start up the kiosk on the current computer, or load the patient forms remotely using the Kiosk Manager.

Medical History Update
To have a patient review a previous medical history and make changes, highlight the most recent medical history and click Copy to open it. The copy will not have a signature, and it will have today's date. Print it, or send it to the Kiosk so the patient can make any changes and sign it. Changes will be saved in the new form; they will not overwrite the original. Then Import the new form, or enter the changed data.

Importing a Form
See Patient Forms Import to import completed form data into the database.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033