Registration Forms


Registration Forms 

Registration forms are the paperwork patients complete when they first become patients, such as a new patient registration form, insurance information, medical history, HIPAA form, financial agreement, etc. 

Filling Out Forms
There are several ways a patient can fill out registration forms.

Paper Forms:  Patients will fill out paper forms in your office.  The staff enters data into the EZ2000 Plus Dental Database, then Scans the original documents into the Images module.  The originals can be shredded because no paper chart is needed.

Kiosk:  Patients fill out forms (setup as Sheets) on a Kiosk.  You can then Import the data into the database.

Web Forms:  Before coming in, patients fill out forms (setup as Sheets) online via Web Forms.  You retrieve completed forms, then can import the data into the the database.

Paper Form Templates
If using paper forms, you are free to adapt these .doc and .gif files for your own use.
  - Patient Information:  PatientInfo.doc and PatientInfo.gif
  - Medical History, Financial Agreement, Privacy:  MedHistory.doc and MedHistory.gif

These files have the signatures on one page, so if you are scanning and shredding, you only need to scan the page with the signatures, and can destroy the other after entering the information into EZ2000 Plus Dental.

To create the image files, we print previewed the .doc on a very large screen, captured the screen (Alt-PrintScreen), then pasted it in Corel PhotoPaint and cropped it. If you view the .gif images in Internet Explorer, they may look look very choppy at first. Just single click on the image itself to toggle to full resolution. The image quality is quite good.

Other Options
We do not necessarily endorse these companies.

Form Director: -  Import capability.-5


Online Forms:  These services offer online forms that can be filled out by patients.  The information on the form is then typically emailed or securely retrieved by the office. The receptionist must still type the information into EZ2000 Plus Dental.  There is no place for patients to sign.  Some companies providing this service include:


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033