Patient Forms - Import 

When a patient fills out a Patient Form via the Kiosk or Web Forms, data entered into input fields, or in checkboxes/radio buttons associated with input fields, can easily be imported into the EZ2000 Plus Dental database.  This is very useful for registration forms and Medical Histories.  The import process differs slightly depending on the sheet type (patient form or medical history). 

Import Patient Form
1. Select the patient, then click Forms in the Toolbar.
2. Select the completed form, then click Import.

This window is a review of information on the completed form. Always verify any data with the patient and make sure the correct rows are flagged before you import.

FieldName: The name of the field in the database and on the form.

Current Value: Shows a value if information already exists in EZ2000 Plus Dental for this field.

Entered Value: What the patient entered on the form. If a value is in red bold text, it cannot be imported.

Import Value: What value, if any, EZ2000 Plus Dental has determined should be imported. To change a value, double click on the cell.

Do Import: If an X appears, this field is marked for import. Single click on a cell to toggle the X on/off. When marked for import, the entire row will be grey.

Double Click to Pick:  The import information is too complex for EZ2000 Plus Dental to automatically translate. Double click in the cell to specify the information to import.

Insurance Policies: Only primary and secondary insurance policies can be imported, and the form must contain the following insurance fields:
  - Relationship
  - Subscriber
  - SubscriberID
  - CarrierName

Subscriber: You will always have to double click to select and verify. If the subscriber does not exist in EZ2000 Plus Dental, you must cancel the import and add them.

Insurance Carrier Name and Phone: These rows will also require double clicking each time you import. However, new carriers can be added directly from the Carriers window, so you do not need to cancel the import. By default, the Carriers window will populate with the name and phone values entered by the patient.

3. When you are ready, click Import again. A Done message will indicate when the import is complete.

New Insurance Plan:
If a new insurance plan was flagged for import, the Insurance Plan List will open, and the search filters will populate with the import values. This lets you verify the plan does not already exist.
  - To create a new plan using the import values, click Blank.
  - To use a plan that already exists, select it and click OK. The import process will verify that all import values exactly match the existing plan's information. If a value does not exactly match, a message will popup, and you will have the option to use the existing plans value (click Yes), or create a new Blank plan with the import values (click No). Click Cancel to safely exit out of the import process and return to the Import window.

Importing an insurance policy does not increase the order to secondary, tertiary, etc. A primary insurance import will overwrite primary insurance policies, and secondary insurance import will overwrite secondary insurance policies. For example, a patient has Met Life for primary insurance and they want to add a new Aetna policy as secondary. The new Aetna information must be entered into the secondary insurance fields on the form in order to be imported into the secondary insurance fields in EZ2000 Plus Dental. If entered in the primary insurance fields, the import will overwrite the primary insurance instead (Metlife).

Import Medical History
To setup allergy, medication, and problem fields correctly, see Medical History Setup.
1. Select the patient, then click Forms in the Toolbar.
2. Select the completed medical history form, then click Import. 

Medical history import values are represented by three possible answers:  yes, no and unknown. Empty columns represent unknown, or items which the patient left blank.

3. To change a value, double click in the Import Value cell.  If a patient enters new medications, you will always have to double click to select a value from the Medication Master List list. By default, the medication entered by the patient will show in the Search box. Watch for misspellings, as the search will look for an exact match. Select the correct medication and it will appear in the FieldName column under Medications.

4.  When you are ready, click Import again. A Done message will indicate when the import is complete.

Medical history import logic:
If the Current Value = Y and Import Value = N
If imported, item status will be set to inactive. It will not be deleted.

If Current Value = N and Import Value = Y
If imported, the item will be made active.

New items will never import with an inactive status.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033