EZ 2000 Manual - Exam Sheets

Exam Sheets

Set up and customize exam sheets in Sheet Setup. View patient exam sheets in the Chart module, Progress Notes and Account module.

To view or create exam sheets for a patient, in the Chart module toolbar, click Exam Sheet.

The Exam Sheets grid is a dated log of any exam sheets that have already been created for this patient.

Setup:  Click Setup, then Sheets to quickly jump to Sheet Setup where you can add or customize exam sheets.

Show Type/Custom Types:  Filter the grid by type of exam sheet.  Click on a Custom Type, or enter the type in the Show Type box. The types refer to the sheet's description.

To add a new exam sheet, click Add.

Sheets that have been set up with a type of 'exam sheet' will list. 

Double click on the exam sheet, then Fill it Out. Below is an example of the internal exam Sheet included with Open Dental.