Procedure Buttons

Proure Buttons   

Procedure buttons allow you to quickly enter your most commonly used procedures with a single click.  They are located in the Chart module on the Enter Treatment tab.

To setup procedure buttons, in the Main Menu, click Setup, Procedure Buttons.

Procedure buttons are grouped into categories.  Click on a category, and its procedure buttons appear on the right.  Click Edit Categories to add or edit categories in Definitions.

Changes to procedure buttons do not affect any patient data, so you can freely delete, add, or change.  To reorder buttons, highlight a single button, then click the Up/Down arrows.

Click Add, or double click a button to edit.

The example above is a fairly complex button setup. There are two Procedure Codes: one ADA code, and one non-ADA code for a crown seat. In addition, there are two Auto Codes: Root Canal and BU/P&C. Auto codes are used instead of procedure codes because there are several possible ADA codes, depending on the area of the mouth.
- If this button is used for tooth #3, the 4 procedure codes would be Crown Seat, Molar RCT, Build Up, and Crown.
- If tooth #8 is involved, the 4 procedure codes would be Crown Seat, Anterior RCT, Post & Core, and Crown.
Each auto code represents one final procedure code, but the code used depends on a number of conditions.

Description: Enter the name of the button.

Category: Click the down arrow to select the button category.

Image (20x20):  Select the image file to use for the button.  The current image appears to the left of the Clear button.  Button images should be 20x20 pixels.  Click Import to select an image file on your computer, or select one of the images in the list.  

Add Procedure Codes:  Select the Procedure Codes associated with this button.  Click Add to add a new code, or Delete to remove a code.  When this button is used, all codes listed here will be added to the chart.

Highlight Auto Codes:  Select the Auto Codes associated with this button.  To select multiple auto codes, press Ctrl and click on the codes to highlight.  Only selected auto codes will be associated with this button. 

Using Procedure Buttons
When Entering Treatment, you can select multiple teeth before clicking a procedure button. The program will loop through each tooth and repeat the logic.
For example, set up a bridge procedure button:
- Select one non-ADA code for a bridge seat.
- Set an area type of tooth range.
- Select one auto code for bridge with two alternatives:  assign a pontic code for missing teeth, assign a retainer code for other teeth.
In the patient's chart:
1. First mark the pontic tooth as an existing extraction as described in Missing Teeth.
2. Then select all three teeth involved in the bridge and click the bridge procedure button.
Since the bridge seat is a tooth range, the program will know to not add it three times to the chart, but only once with all three tooth numbers selected.

Procedure buttons can be used to create four procedures, each with a different quadrant. To trigger this behavior, enter four of the exact same code in the list on the left. For example, D4341, D4341, D4341, D4341. There is no support for a procedure button to create a procedure with any specific quadrant.  One alternative is to create a procedure button with a single code on it, and then change the quadrant as needed after using the button.