Reports - Insurance Overpaid


Insurance Overpaid Report  

The Insurance Overpaid Report is a rreport where the insurance payment, plus any writeoff, exceeds the fee. 

In the Main Menu, click Reports.  In the Monthly section, click Insurance Overpaid. 

Select how to group the results (by procedure or patient/date), then click OK.

To handle the items on this list, find the original EOB's and verify. 

Fixing Old Payment Amounts:  It is unlikely that an entry error of the payment amount would have been the cause, because the daily Deposit slip would not have balanced and the bank would have rejected the deposit. It is difficult to fix this kind of entry error.  It will involve deleting the old deposit slip and the old Insurance Check (not the ClaimProcs or the Claim).  Then, after fixing the payment amount, the insurance check and deposit would be recreated.

Fixing Old Writeoffs: Someone with the appropriate permissions can directly edit the erroneous writeoff amounts.  Beware that this will alter historical reports.

Sending a Refund: If insurance truly did overpay, they must be notified so that a refund can be arranged.  Open the Claim, highlight the involved procedures, and click the Supplemental button at the upper right.  Enter negative payment amounts.  Create an Insurance Check with a negative amount.  This properly fixes the patient account and makes the patient responsible for the previous overpayment.  If the overpayment was discovered after an unreasonable amount of time, the office has the option of entering a patient Adjustment to not make the patient responsible.


EZ2000 Plus  Dental Software 800-273-5033