Reports - Receivables Breakdown Report


Receivables Breakdown Report 

This report is a breakdown of total amounts due by date.  Receivables = (Production Adjustments Writeoffs) - (Patient Payments Insurance Payments).  Payment Plans are not taken into account, so the total amount due may differ from the Aging of A/R Report total.  If you want the totals for both reports to match, see below. This report should be run monthly.

In the Main Menu, click Reports.  In the Monthly section, click Receivable Breakdown.

Providers:  Select the Providers to include in the report.  Practice is the default option, and the same as including all providers.

Show Insurance Writeoffs:  Select when to apply writeoffs.  The default option is selected in Report Setup.  See also PPO.
- Use insurance payment date:  Apply writeoffs to production when the Insurance Payment is made.
- Use procedure date: Apply writeoffs to production immediately on the day of service.

Up to the following date:  Select the end date for the report.  The start date is always the first day of the month.

Click OK to generate the report.

Matching Receivables Breakdown and Aging of A/R Totals
To get the Aging of A/R Report Total to match the Receivables Breakdown, 'Ending A/R' Total, no payment plans can be involved, and you must run each report for all providers and select the options below. 

Receivables Breakdown Report:

  • Provider:  Practice
  • Show Insurance Writeoffs:  Select 'Using insurance payment date'.
  • Dates: Same as Aging of A/R Report.

Aging of A/R Report:

  • Date:  Same as Receivables Breakdown report.
  • Age of Account:  Any Balance
  • Negative Balances:
    - Check 'Include negative balances'. 
    - Do NOT check 'Only show negative balances'.
  • Exclusions: Do NOT check any of the exclusions.
  • Billing Types: All
  • Providers: All

The reports will not match if run for specific providers, even if there are no payment plans. The Aging of A/R report includes all entries associated with any patient who has the selected provider as their primary provider at the time of the work.  The Receivable Breakdown includes ONLY the entries where the selected provider was the provider on the procedure/claim/adjustment/writeoff. These totals will be very different.


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