Reports Setup




Reports Setup 

Report default options are set from the Reports window.

Click Setup in the upper left corner.

Default to using Proc Date for PPO writeoffs:   If you use the PPO Percentage Plan Type when you set up an Insurance Plan, writeoffs show on Production and Income, PPO Writeoffs and Daily Writeoffs. This box sets the default method for showing writeoffs on reports.

  • Checked:  By default, apply writeoffs to production immediately on the day of service. Any changes to writeoff amounts when entering Insurance Payments will affect historical numbers. The advantage of using this method is that your production numbers will reflect the writeoffs in the same period. This method is the usual way of doing it. Numbers will be mostly accurate, as long as writeoff estimates are accurate.
  • Unchecked:  By default, apply writeoffs to production when the Insurance Payment is made. The advantage of this method is that history won't be changed. Writeoffs will be counted against production many weeks after the actual work was done. This is the method that is used in the patient Account module. You must use this if you are using Global Lock Dates in Security to prevent apparent changes to history.

Show PatNum: Aging, OutstandingIns, ProcsNotBilled: Check this box to include patient numbers with the patient name in the Aging of A/R, Outstanding Insurance Claims, and Procedures Not Billed to Insurance reports.

Monthly P&I scheduled production subtracts PPO writeoffs: If you use the PPO Percentage Plan Type, check this box to automatically reduce anticipated production by PPO writeoff on the Monthly Production and Income Report. This only applies to future dates where the work has not been completed.