Reports - Outstanding Insurance Claims


Outstanding Insurance Claims Report  

The Outstanding Insurance Claims report lists insurance claims that have been sent, but not received. This report should be run monthly.

In the Main Menu, click Reports.  In the Monthly section, click Outstanding Insurance Claims.

To include patient numbers with the names in the report, in Reports Setup, select the "Show PatNum: Aging, OutstandingIns, ProcsNotBilled:" option.  To view a claim, double click it.

The Amount for each carrier is the total fee billed, not what will be paid.  Thus, while this report is useful to track claims, it should not be used to determine insurance payment amounts for outstanding claims.

Days Old (min/max): Filter the list by claim age.  The age is based on the date the claim was sent, not the date it was created.  Thus, claims recently sent can be excluded from the report.

Include Preauths:  Check this box to include Preauthorizations.

Treat Provs:  Filter the list by Provider. Click the dropdown, then click and highlight the providers to include. Deselect providers to exclude.  Click Refresh to update the list.

You can print or export the report.  If you print it, it looks like this.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033