


This is the main list of supplies used by the practice. We recommend going through your last 6 months of dental supply orders to generate a list.  Supplies must be entered before they can be Ordered.

In the Supply Inventory window, click Supplies.

This is a list of all supplies that have been entered.  By default, supplies are listed alphabetically, first by category, then by description.  To view supplies that have been marked hidden, check the Show Hidden box. Any supply field can also be searched.  Enter the criteria in the Search field and as you type the list will update.  To filter the list by supplier, click the Supplier dropdown. 

To change the order of items within a category, check the box in the lower left.  The form will enter reordering mode, and up/down arrows will appear. Highlight an item, then click the up or down arrow to move it. While in this mode searching is disabled. 

To edit a supply, double click on it.  To add a supply to the list, select a supplier from the Supplier dropdown, then click Add.

Category:  Select the category the supply will be sorted under.  Categories are user-defined in Definitions.
Catalog Item Number:  Enter the catalog number.
Enter a readable description and include the quantity per unit.
Level Desired:  Enter how many units are normally kept in stock.  This value appears in the StockQty column on the main supply list.
Price:  Enter the cost of the item.
Hidden: Mark a supply as hidden so it no longer appears in the supplies list. 

Supplies that have been placed in an order cannot be deleted.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033