Student Requirements




Student Requirements 

This is a feature for Dental Schools.  All requirements can be tracked and organized by student, class, course, patient, appointment, etc.   First, from the Main Menu, select Setup | Requirements Needed.

Enter all the requirements for a specific class/course combination.

A student can view and manage their requirements by going to the Main Menu, and selecting Tools | Student Requirements.

If the above window does not come up, then the user must not be properly set up as a student.  The following conditions must be met in order to see the above window:
-User must be logged in.
-User must not have Setup permission in the Security setup, or they will be assumed to be an instructor.
-User must be linked to a Provider in the User Edit window.
-Linked provider must be assigned to a class in the Provider Edit window.

If the above list is empty, then the student has not completed any requirements yet.  Only completed requirements will show.

From the above window, the student can view and manage their requirements.  Double click on a row.

Notice that most of the controls in this window are read only.  The student is not allowed to perform most actions.  What they can do is change the patient or appointment that this requirement is attached to.  Attaching a requirement to an appointment is done from within the Appointment Edit window.

First, select a Class and Course.  Then, select a student. Pick one or more requirements from the list and Add them to the Currently Attached Requirements.  You may add a requirement multiple times, and you may add requirements from multiple students to one appointment.

If an instructor is logged in, then they can go to the Main Menu, and select Tools | Student Requirements.

Please note that this is the same menu item where students go to look at their requirements, but it shows differently based on whether a student or an instructor is logged in. An instructor is considered to be logged in if one condition is met:
-The current user has permission for setup.

The instructor can double click on a student row, and then on an individual requirement.

An instructor has more permissions to edit items in this window than a student does. The instructor would typically verify the patient and appointment, then change the Instructor field, and then click the Now button to mark the requirement complete. Requirements are pass/fail for now, with no grade assignments.