EZ 2000 - Allowed Fee Tracking

Blue Book 

EZ2000 Plus dental Software has some capability to automatically track 'allowed' Fee Schedules.  We call this feature Blue Book.  In other software, this is also known as coverage tables or payment tables. 

To turn on this automation, in Family Module Setup check the box for 'Use Blue Book'.  For each Insurance Plan set up as a 'Category Percentage' plan, an 'allowed' fee schedule (named by carrier) will be automatically created. This allowed fee schedule will be attached to the insurance plan (in the Carrier Allowed Amounts dropdown) to track allowed fees.  Enter allowed amounts in the Procedure Code list, or as you enter Insurance Payments or in the Claim Procedure window  Once entered, allowed fees are used for all estimates instead of the regular fee.

To turn automatic generation of fee schedules off, uncheck the Use Blue Book box.  The allowed fees will continue to update automatically, but fee schedules will need to be managed manually. To clean up unused allowed fee schedules, see Fee Schedule Setup

Use the Blue Book feature sparingly until we can make improvements. Some of the problems identified are:
- It can make fee schedules hard to manage, especially if you have lots of plans that are automatically duplicated. Your fee schedule list can become very cluttered.
- Since the names are by carrier, we have had complaints that this is not fine-grained enough.  Users would rather organize the allowed fee schedules at the plan level. 

Our plan is to no longer show Blue Book fee schedules in the Fee Schedules window.  We will instead build a new interface, accessible directly from the Insurance Plan window.  The tool should let users see historical trends for each code and fine-tune what the future estimates should be for each code.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software  800-273-5033