EZ 2000 Manual - Bridge - Apixia

Bridge - Apixia 

Apixia is digital imaging software.  Website:  www.apixia.net

To activate the bridge, in the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double click on Apixia in the list. Check the Enabled box, verify the Path of file to open, and review the values in Additional Properties.  Click OK. You will now have a button in your Chart module labeled 'Apixia'.

Technical Data
This data is provided for troubleshooting purposes.

The Switch.ini path must be in the same folder as the digirex.exe executable. The bridge sends patient data from EZ 2000 Dental to the specified Switch.ini file.  Example file:


EZ 2000 Plus Dental then launches Apixia and the Apixia application reads the Switch.ini file to figure out which patient to load.

EZ2000 Plus Dental always sends "digirex" as the dentist password and sends the provider abbreviation as the dentist ID. The DigirexServer application is where you can add users for Apixia.  The Dr.ID must match the provider abbreviation in EZ 2000 Dental and all passwords must be "digirex". 

If Apixia users were not setup properly, you will see the following error message for certain providers when bridging, then Apixia will freeze:


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033