EZ 2000 Manual - Bridge: Digora Optime

Bridge - Digora Soredex Optime 

Soredex is an imaging system.  Also known as Digora. The Digora bridge works for versions up to 2.8.  Website:  www.soredexusa.com

To activate the bridge, in the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double click on Digora in the list. Check the Enabled box and click OK. You will now have a button in your Chart module labeled 'Digora'.

Technical Data
This data is provided for troubleshooting purposes.

The Digora bridge uses the Windows clipboard to pass commands to Digora. We used the specifications for Digora 2.1 dated 6/26/2002, although it almost certainly works with later versions as well.

Digora must be running when the bridge button is clicked in EZ2000 Plus Dental. If not, you may see an error or no action will occur. 

Digora will not automatically be brought to the focus when the bridge button is clicked in EZ 2000 Dental. 

Clicking the bridge button in EZ2000 Plus Dental will put a string similar to this on the clipboard:
$$DFWIN$$ OPEN -n"Smith, John" -c"1234" -r -a

This should trigger Digora to open the patient card for the specified name and code pair.  In the example above, the name is "Smith, John" and the patient code is 1234.  If the patient doesn't exist in Digora, the -r flag that you see above tells Digora to create that new patient.  The -a flag tells digora to change focus to itself.

For troubleshooting purposes, it is quite easy to push the button, then click paste into any text program so that you can see the command that is on the clipboard.

Potential pitfalls:
The bridge follows the specifications, but has not yet been tested. If you find that it doesn't work, please call us and we will work to quickly isolate the problem.  Or, if you find that it does work, then let us know so that we can change this documentation to reflect that.

We don't know how Digora monitors the clipboard so that it knows when a command is present.  There might be a setting in Digora that needs to be turned on in order to enable the clipboard monitoring.  This is not addressed in the bridge specifications we were provided.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 1-503-363-5432