Bridge - Florida Probe

Florida Probe is an interactive periodontal charting software.  Website:

To activate the bridge, in the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double click on Florida Probe in the list. Check the Enabled box, then verify the Path of file to open and Additional Properties.  Click OK. You will now have a button in your Chart module labeled 'Florida Probe'.

Technical Details
If you have set a Windows system path, then fp32.exe will work as the Path of file to open.

EZ2000 Plus Dental sends the following command line arguments:
fp32.exe /search /prompt /chart <PatNum or ChartNumber> /first <first-name> /last <last-name>

The following details used to be posted freely on the Florida Probe website:

/search performs a search on the database with the specified chart and name. The action performed depends on if /prompt is specified and if a matching record is found. If a record that matches the existing record is found, that entry will be opened. If a matching record isn't found, there are two actions that can be performed. If '/prompt' is specified, the user will be given a dialog informing them that a matching entry was not found. From here they can either create a new record (which will have the chart and/or name specified from the command-line), select a record to use instead, or cancel out of the program. If prompt is not specified, a new record will be created,with the chart and/or name specified on the command-line. The '/prompt' command will not matter if the Host Application uses its own unique numbers for the chart number. If multiple entries exist that match the command-line specified parameters, the first one will be returned. prompt- alters the action of the search, if no result was found. Without prompt specified, a new record with the chart and/or name specified will be created and immediately saved if an existing one was not found. With prompt specified, the user will be given a dialog box, allowing them to either select the 'correct' match, create a new user with the chart and/or name specified on the command-line, or 'cancel' out of the program completely.

Searching is done based on the first name, last name and/or chart number specified. The search procedure works as follows: If more than one matching entry exists in the database, the first one will be returned, as listed in the database. It is assumed that the host Application will make sure that the chart numbers are kept unique, and use these to search. The first name is not used in searching, except for verification. The first name field also is not usable as a key, so specifying a first name, but neither a last name or chart number will bring up a new chart with that first name, then prompt the user to enter either a chart number or last name in order to save. The search will first search for an entry matching all specified fields. Then if that does not yield a match, and if a chart number was specified, it will search again based just on the chart number. If this leads to a match, the record with the matching chart number will be brought up, and the name fields will be updated with those specified on the command-line. It is assumed that the chart number is the 'master' identification, and that for this case the person's name changed and was updated in the Host Application but not inside FP32 If a last name and first name are specified, but not a chart number, the search will fail if a record matching both the first and last name is not found. There is no additional search based just on the last name, although it will search for just the last name if no first name was specified.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 1-800-273-5033