EZ 2000 Manual - Electronic Attachments

Electronic Attachments  

If you plan to send electronic attachments, you should use  NEA Fast Attach.


You can use NEA Screen Capture to attach and send images, or, on the Edit Claim window, General tab, export attached images to a temporary folder, then import them into NEA.

To log in to NEA, double click the NEA icon in the taskbar, then click Launch.  When a claim needs an attachment, this icon will change from blue to a flashing red. 

NEA Screen Capture
Based on user feedback, NEA Screen Capture is the simplest way to capture and send attachments.
1. In NEA, double click on the first claim that needs attachments.  Required attachments are listed on the left.
2. Highlight the first procedure code that requires an attachment (usually x-ray, perio chart, etc.), then click Screen Capture.
3. Locate your image (usually in the Images module or Perio window). Click the Draw Rectangle button and outline the entire image. Click Attach.
4. Enter details about the image: Non-XRay, By tooth, etc.
5. Select the Type.
6. Click Next.
7. On the confirmation notification, click Close.
8. Once all attachments have been captured, click Send.

If you receive an NEA#, copy it and paste it into the Attachment ID field on the General tab, Edit Claim window.

Export/Import Attachments
In Open Dental, attachments can be exported to a specified temporary folder, then imported to NEA. This is done on the Edit Claim window, General tab.
1. On your computer, create a folder for attachments.
2. In Module Setup, Account tab, Claim Attachment Export Path, specify the path to the attachment folder.
2. On the Edit Claim window, General tab, Attached Images area, add the images or Perio charts, then click Export to send the images to the attachment folder.
3. Log in to NEA and import the images. 

The advantage to this method is that it preserves the record of which images are attached to the claim.  The temporary folder will only have images for one claim at a time. After uploading to NEA, it should be emptied in preparation for the next set of images. 

Note:  Attached Images on the Edit Claim window only exports images to a temporary folder.  It does NOT cause images to be sent electronically. You must manually upload the images to NEA.

Using NEA with Other Clearinghouses
You can use NEA with clearinghouses other than Claim Connect, but it requires double entry of much of the claim information.  The image uploading process is the same.  After uploading the images, you will be given an NEA#.  Copy and paste this number into the Claim Note field on the Edit Claim window.  Enter the NEA# first.  Example:  NEA#1234532343 And then any other notes can go here, after the number.