Open Dental Software Manual - Procedures: Financial Tab
Procedures - Financial Tab On the Procedure Info window, the Financial tab shows Claim Procedures. Each row is an estimate (Est) or has been attached to a claim. If it has been attached to a claim, and you can only view it from this window. To edit see Claim Edit. Estimates (rows with an Est status) have not yet been attached to a claim, so can be safely edited or deleted. Estimates are usually automatic based on the Insurance Plan. Sometimes if you create a Treatment Plan before entering the insurance plan, you may need to click Update Fees in the Treatment Plan module to affect estimates. Add an Estimate 2. Select the Insurance Plan, then click OK to open the Edit Claim Procedure window. Manually Edit an Estimate Don't send the procedure to insurance: Check Do Not Bill to Ins. If, on the Edit Procedure Code window, this procedure is set up as Do Not Usually Bill to Ins, the box will be checked by default. Override the estimate: Maybe you got a pretreatment estimate back from insurance or you have a fee schedule to follow. If the insurance plan is set up correctly, but you still need to make a change, double click on the estimate to open the Edit Claim Procedure window. Enter a different amount for Insurance Estimate. You can also override percentages, allowed amounts, copays, etc. Adjustments Patient Payments
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