Transaction History


Transaction History 

For each account set up in Accounting, you can view the transactions, and Add and Edit Transactions

On the Accounting window, double click on an account row. 

Transactions already entered are listed by date.  By default, Asset, Liability, and Equity accounts show the entire history.  Expense and revenue accounts default to the current year. 

Filtering Options: First enter filter information, then click Refresh to update the list.
- View transactions for a specific date range.  Enter the From and To dates in the boxes, or click [V] to select dates from a calendar.  Click [V] again to close the calendar.
- Find Amt:  Search the Debit and Credit columns for a specific amount.
- Fint Text: Search for specific text in the Chk# or Memo column.

To add a Transaction, click Add Entry.
To edit a transaction, double click on it. 
To print the list, click Print. 
To reconcile monthly bank statements, click Reconcile (asset accounts only)


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