Sign Treatment Plans


Sign Treatment Plans

Treatment Plans can be signed with  Digital Signatures.  The Kiosk option is very helpful for this. On the Treatment Plan window, the last column in the Treatment Plan list indicates whether the treatment plan has been digitally signed or not. 

To sign a new treatment plan or view a previous signature, highlight the plan, then click Sign TP.

Sign the treatment plan in the signature box at the bottom of the screen using a stylus (Windows Tablet PC), or a Topaz signature pad.  The signature will show when you Print the treatment plan. 

Some Treatment Plan Edits will invalidate a signature. When invalidated, a message will appear in the signature box. To re-sign, click Clear Sig, then sign in the box.
Changes that invalidate a signature:
- Editing a treatment plan's date or note.
- Editing a treatment plan procedure's description or patient portion.

Sometimes multiple providers need to sign a treatment plan, as in the case of a resident.  One solution is for the first provider to make notes and enter their name.  The second provider can then sign the treatment plan to approve the note.  Notes can be entered on the Edit Treatment window. 


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033