Edit Treatment Plans


Edit Treatment Plans

You can edit general Treatment Plan information, or procedures in the treatment plan.  Some changes will invalidate digital signatures.  See Sign Treatment Plans.

General Information
In the Treatment Plan module, double click on any saved treatment plan.

Date: The date of the treatment plan.

Heading:  The title of the treatment plan. It will appear at the top of printed and emailed plans.

Note:  Enter the note that should appear at the bottom of the treatment plan.  The default note is set in Treatment Plan Module Setup.

Responsible Party:  This field is only visible if Public Health is turned on in Show Features.  Click Pick to select the person, other than the patient or guarantor, who is responsible for approving the treatment plan.

When you save a treatment plan, you create copies of the procedures. Double click on a procedure to edit.

You can change treatment plan procedure information without affecting the original procedure at all.  For example, the Description can be changed to anything, such as "White filling" instead of "Composite - 4 surf".  To always use simpler language for procedure code descriptions, enter text in the Layman's Term field on the Procedure Code Edit window. This is especially helpful when there are langguage barriers.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033