EZ 2000 Manual - Treatment Plan Module Setup

Treatment Plan Module Setup 

Here you can set default options and settings for the Treatment Plan module. Check a box to turn a feature on; uncheck a box to turn it off.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Modules.  Click the Treat' Plan tab.

Default Note: Enter the note that will appear by default at the bottom of the printed treatment plan.  It can be very detailed and long, if you desire.  To override the default note for a patient, first save the treatment plan, then Edit the Treatment Plan.

Show Graphical Tooth Chart: Print the Graphical Tooth Chart on the treatment plan.

Show Completed Work on Graphical Tooth Chart: Show completed treatment planned procedures on the printed tooth chart.  This can be easily overridden in Treatment Plan module by checking/unchecking the Graphic Completed Tx under Show.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033