Insurance Plan Information Fields


Insurance Plan Information Fields

To add a new insurance plan on the Edit Insurance Plan window, the "Create New Plan if needed" radio button must be selected and at least one of the following field values must change. 

FieldDb Column Name
Medical Insurance IsMedical
Employer EmployerNum
Carrier Information CarrierNum
Group Name GroupName
Group Number GroupNum
Plan Type Plan Type
Use Alternate Code UseAltCode
Don't Substitute Codes CodeSubstNone
Claims show for UCR fee ClaimsUseUCR
Hidden IsHidden
Fee Schedule FeeSched
Claim Form ClaimFormNum
Patient Co-pay Amounts CopayFeeSched
Carrier Allowed Amounts AllowedFeeSched
COB Rule CobRule
Filing Code FilingCode
File Code Subtypes FilingCodeSubtype
Claim show base units ShowBaseUnits
Plan Note PlanNote
Trojan ID TrojanID
Benefit Year (Benefit Info window) MonthRenew
Canadian Customers only:  
  Div. No. DivisionNo
  Dentaide Card Sequence DentaideCardSequence
  Plan Flag CanadianPlanFlag



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