Canada - Procedures and Lab Fees

Below is information that applies to Canada users only.

In the Procedure Edit window, on the Canada tab, there are Procedure Type Code checkboxes.  By default, none is selected.  Change the type code if you need it to go out on a Claim.

Lab Fees
Lab fees are treated just like ordinary Procedures except for a few key differences. Lab fees cannot be attached to appointments directly. Instead they are attached to procedures, which then can be attached to Appointments.
1. For procedure codes that are lab fees (99xxx), go to the Procedure Code Edit window and check the "Is Lab Fee" box.
2. To enter lab fees for a patient, first create a non-lab procedure.
3. On the Procedure Edit window, Canada tab, edit the lab fees. Up to two lab fees are allowed, because only one or two lab fees can be sent in E-claims.
4. Click OK.
One lab procedure with code 99111 will be automatically created for each of the entered fees. The 99111 codes will show in the Chart module and the Account module, just like normal procedures, but cannot be attached to claims. Attached lab fees will show directly below the procedure they are attached to and begin with "^^" to visually indicate they are attached. When sending e-claims, any lab fees attached to a procedure will be sent on the same line as the procedure. Lab fees can be removed by editing the procedure and clearing out the appropriate lab fee amount. Lab fees can also be detached from procedures by right-clicking in the Chart module progress notes and choosing the "Detach Lab Fee" option.

If the lab fee is not a 99111 code, then the lab fees can be manually entered into the Chart and attached to a non-lab procedure by highlighting both procedures and selecting "Attach Lab Fee".  In this case, it will not show in the Procedure Code Edit window.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033