EHR:   Educational Resources Setup

EHR educational resources can be set up based on certain Problems, Medications, or Lab Results. View and print Educational Resources for patients from the EHR dashboard.

1. In the Main Menu, click Setup, EHR, Educational Resources.

2. Click Add, or double click an existing resource to edit.

3. Define the condition that must be met to show this resource on the patient's Education Resources window, then click OK.  In the example above, if a patient's has 'bad breath' in their Problem List, the resource and link will list on the Education Resources window.

Problem:  Click [...] to select a problem from the Problem Master List.  The associated ICD9 code and SNOMED CT type will also show.

Medication:  Click [...] to select a medication from the Medication Master List

Lab Results:  Enter the results from a lab that will generate the resource.

Resource URL:  Enter the path used to access the educational resource.  It can be a full URL path ( or a full document path (C:\resources\resources.doc).

To create more than one reference to the same resource, add separate resources, each with a different condition, and point them to the same URL. For example, reference the same brochure on analgesics when a patient is prescribed ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen/(paracetamol).


Open Dental Software 1-503-363-5432