EZ 2000 Manual - Email Setup

E-mail Setup

Before you can Send E-mail or Receive E-mail, you must enter e-mail settings.  Consult the documentation provided by your e-mail provider for server and port information.  

Starting in VER 2 providers can send confidential patient information to another provider using Direct Messaging.  This requires additional steps such as acquiring security certificates. 

In the Main Menu, click Setup, E-mail, or in the E-mail Inbox click Setup.

You can have multiple outgoing e-mail addresses.  For incoming e-mail, there can only be one incoming e-mail address per database (which may include multiple clinics), and it must be set as the default.  The E-mail Inbox will only fetch incoming e-mails from the default e-mail address.  In a future version we are adding support for more inboxes (one for the database and one for each provider).

Set Default: Set the address that will be used for incoming e-mail.

Computer Name to Fetch New Email from: One computer per database can be set to download new e-mails from the mail server to the inbox. You can enter an IP address, or computer/server name. Click This Computer to use the computer you are currently on. If you enter a server name and leave Open Dental open on the server, the computer will automatically check the server for new emails according the interval set below.

Only the computer identified here will check the mail server for new incoming e-mails and fetch them to the inbox. All other computers will only show e-mails already in the inbox.

Inbox Check Interval: Set the time, in minutes, to automatically check the mail server and download new e-mails. 5 minutes is the default.

Add an E-mail Address
SMTP servers typically require authentication in order to send e-mail. Consult the documentation provided by your e-mail provider to determine the outgoing and incoming server settings, ports, and SSL setting.

Double click on an existing e-mail address to edit, or click Add.

Username: Enter the email address. When e-mail is sent using Direct Messaging, this will be used as the From address.

Password: The password for this e-mail.

Use SSL: Check the box to enable SSL.  Uncheck it to disable SSL.

Outgoing Email Settings: Consult your e-mail provider for server and port settings.
- E-mail address of sender:  Enter the e-mail address you would like to appear as the From address. You can enter the same e-mail or use a different one.  When an e-mail sent using Direct Messaging, the Username will be used as the From address.
You can also use the format:
Sparkly Dental <bob@gmail.com>.
In this case, the recipient will see "Sparkly Dental" as the sender instead of "bob@gmail.com".