Patient Language Options

Follow these instructions to define which languages are available on the Patient Edit window as options in the Language dropdown.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Miscellaneous, then click Edit Languages.

All Languages:  A list of all Microsoft-supported languages. 

Custom:  If a language is not listed, enter it here, then click Add to add it to the list of Languages used by patients.

List of Languages:  The language options available on the Patient Edit window, listed in the order they will appear.  To reorder the list, highlight a language, then click the up/down arrows.

Indicator that patient has no specified language:  This is used for EHR users when entering Demographic information. Click the dropdown to select an indicator that can be used when a patient declines to specify a language. Only language options entered as Custom are options. This indicator will be recognized in Measure Calculations as acceptable input.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033