Adding Procedure Codes




Adding Procedure Codes  

Adding procedure codes is useful for Foreign Countries who do not use ADA codes, or in situations when you need to add a non ADA code, for example when running a promotion on a procedure, or for a supply you dispense (e.g. mouthwash, toothpaste, etc.).   You must have the Setup Permission to add new procedure codes. 

ADA codes can be automatically added into EZ 2000 Plus Dental, so you do not need to enter them from scratch.  See Procedure Code Tools.

On the Procedure Codes window, in the lower left click New.

Type:  Select the type of the new code.  Depending on the selection, some fields on the right will populate. 

Procedure Code: This field is required.  Enter the new code.  You can enter up to 15 numbers, letters, or symbols.  All codes starting with D will be shortened to 5 characters before being included on a insurance Claim.  For example, you can have two different codes for nitrous, with the difference being a letter that is added to the end of a standard D code. When sent to insurance, only the standard 5 digit code will be used.

Description, Abbreviation:  Cannot be left blank.  If this code starts with D and will be included on an insurance claim (see above), this description will show on the claim.

Select other procedure code options.  For more details about Do not bill to insurance, Is Hygiene Procedure, Is Prosthesis, Paint Type, Treatment Area and Category, see Edit Procedure Codes

Click Add, then another to save the procedure code and keep the New Code window open.
Click Add to save the procedure code and close the window.
Click Close to close the window without saving the procedure code.

To edit a procedure code, see Edit Procedure Codes.