Procedure Code Tools




Procedure Code Tools  

Only users with the Setup Permission can run procedure code tools.

Using this tool, you can automatically remove the T (temp) codes, add missing D and N codes, and reset defaults. 

On the Procedure Codes window, click Tools in the lower left.

Check the tools you want to run, then click Run Now.  A message will show when updates are done.

T codes:  Remove all temp codes (T) that were only needed for the Trial version.

N Codes:  Add missing no-fee Procedure Codes.

D codes: Add missing ADA Procedure Codes and set descriptions to the defaults.

Autocodes:  Reset Auto Codes to defaults.

Procedure Buttons:  Reset Procedure Buttons in the Chart module to defaults.

Appt Procs Quick Add:  Reset the list of Quick Add procedures (explosion codes) on the Edit Appointment window to defaults.

Recall Types:  Reset Recall Types and triggers to default, and replace any trigger T procedure codes with D codes.