Time Clock


Time Clock

Employees can use the time clock to clock in/out of work.  Prior to using the time clock, the following items must be set up:
1. Set up Employees.
2. Set up User profiles for each employee in Security.
3. Set up pay periods in Time Card Setup.

To manage time cards, and calculate pay period totals, see Time Card Manage.

The Time Clock is at the upper right of the Manage module.

The time displayed is the time of the computer running the mySQL program.  This keeps all times consistent throughout the office, and prevents tampering with the computer clock if the server is physically inaccessible. 

Clock in:  Click your name, then click Clock In.
Clock out: Click your name, select a status (Home, Lunch, Break), then click Clock Out For.

Each day you check in/out, a clock event row is created in your time card. 

Editing/Viewing Time Cards or Breaks
Employees can view their time cards and breaks, and make changes as needed. Click on an employee, then click View Timecard or View Breaks. 

The Pay Period dates are shown at the top, and clock events in the pay period are listed in the grid. 
- If a clock event has been altered, it is flagged in red text.
- Click the Pay Period arrows to move back or forward one pay period. 
- Click the Employee arrows to view the next or previous employee's time card.  This option is only visible to users with the Edit All Timecards Permission.
- Click the Time Card or Breaks radio button to switch between views. 
- Time format (colon or decimal) is set in Time Card Setup.  
- Only employees with the Edit All Timecards Permission can add adjustments and calculate daily/weekly totals. See Time Card Manage.

Employee time cards will not show accurate information if a pay period for the current date is not setup. This is a clue to add more pay periods. See Time Card Setup.

To edit a clock event, double click it.

Edit the Clock In, Clock Out Date and Time or Out Status as needed.  You should also establish a policy that all alterations must be accompanied by a note that explains why the change was made.  To delete a clock event, users must have the Timecard Delete Entry Permission.

Time Spans
Adjustments and overtime are calculated when an Admin user calculates daily totals at the end of a pay period. See Time Card Manage.
- Clocked Time:  Calculated automatically using clock in and clock out times.
- Adj:  If the option to make adjustments for breaks over 30 minutes is selected (Time Card Setup), an adjustment (subtraction) is made when an employee exceeds the allowed 30 minute break time on a given day.  You can override the adjustment manually
- Overtime: If there is an overtime rule for daily hours in Time Card Setup (e.g. overtime after 8 hours), and an employee meets the criteria, a value is entered.  Hours will then be transferred from regular time to overtime in calculation totals.  You can override the value manually.
- Regular time: The total time, plus/minus adjustments and overtime.

Rate 2
Used to determine any differential hours based on rules defined in Time Card Setup
- Total Time: Clocked Time adjustments.
- Rate 2 Time: How many of the total hours are Rate 2 hours (differential hours).  You can override the value manually.
- Rate 1 Time: Total Time - Rate 2 Time.

Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Forgot to clock out when leaving for the day
1. When you realize the mistake the next morning, clock out (the Clock Out time will be wrong).
2. Immediately clock back in to begin today's time.
3. Double click on the inaccurate clock event.
4. Correct the Clock Out date and the time. The status will remain 'home'.

Clocked out for lunch and then never came back to work.
1. The next morning, clock in as usual.
2. Double click on the clock out event for the previous day's lunch.
3. Change the status from "Lunch" to "Home".

When clocking out for break, you discover that someone else accidentally clocked out using your time card.  Your time card shows you have been on break for 2 hours and time is still ticking.
Option 1: Delete the clock event (double click on it, then click Delete.).  Only users with the Time Card Delete Entry Permission are allowed to do this.
Option 2: When you are ready to clock back in, do so. Then, double click on the first inaccurate clock event and change the Clock In time so that it shows correctly.


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