Time Card Manage


Time Card Manage

Time card management includes calculating daily/weekly totals and overtime, adding adjustments, correcting errors, and running reports.  Only users with the Edit All Timecards Permission can access this area.  Time card calculations correspond with ADP format requirements for offices that use ADP for payroll.

In the Time Clock, click Manage to view all time cards at once.

Each row represents an employee's time card for the Pay Period. Employees are listed in alphabetical order by last name.  Time is displayed in decimal or colon format, depending on the option set in Time Card Setup. Double click on any employee to view or edit their time card.  

Total Hrs:  Total number of hours worked (regular, overtime, and differential).
Rate 1:  The number of regular hours worked.
Rate 1 OT: The number of regular overtime hours worked, based on rules set in Time Card Setup.
Rate 2:  The number of regular differential hours worked, based on rules set in Time Card Setup.
Rate 2 OT:  The number of overtime differential hours worked, based on rules set in Time Card Setup.
Clock event notes and any errors that need to be fixed before running calculations.
Clear Manual Adjusts:  Clear any manually entered adjustments made to a clock event for selected employees. 
Clear Auto Adjusts:  Clear any daily or weekly adjustments made when Daily or Weekly is clicked.

Run Daily and Weekly Calculations
We strongly recommend running automated daily and weekly calculations at the end of each pay period.  Before calculating, add any adjustments (see below) and correct any time card errors.

Daily Calculations: 
Click Daily to add automated adjustments and apply time card rules defined in Time Card Setup.  Entries will be made within a clock event; new rows will not be created.  If you don't like the results, edit the rules in setup and run it again.  Overrides can be made one Time Clock event at a time.
- If 'Calc Daily button makes adjustments if breaks over 30 minutes' is checked in Time Card Setup, adjustments will be made to clock events in an employee's time card when their break runs over 30 minutes. 
- Clock events that meet the criteria of a rule will have an adjustment (overtime or differential) applied.  Overtime/differential hours will be transferred from regular time to overtime/differential in calculation totals.

Daily calculations can also be run per time card by clicking Calc Daily on the Time Card for "Employee" window.

Weekly Calculations:
Click Weekly to add an additional overtime adjustment row for any week an employee has worked more than 40 hours.  The default weekly total is for Sunday through Saturday. The weekly start day is set in Manage Module Setup. The weekly total calculation will cross pay periods.

Weekly calculations can also be run per time card by clicking Calc Weekly on the Time Card for "Employee" window.

Print Time Cards
The time cards will show in a Print Preview first, then you can send to the default printer.
- Print All:  Print all time cards at once.
- Print Selected: Only print time cards for selected employees. Press Ctrl while clicking to select multiple employees.

Payroll Reports
- Print Grid:  Print the Employee Time Cards grid.
- Export Grid:  Export the grid data as a .txt file to a location on your computer. When the export is complete, a message will show indicating the file name.
- Export ADP:  Export the time card data in ADP format (.csv file) to a location on your computer.  If any errors are detected, you will receive a notification.  When the export is complete, a message will show indicating the file name.

Adjustments can be used to add holiday hours, additional overtime, etc.  These adjustments create a separate row in the time card. Click Add Adjustment, or double click an adjustment to edit.

Automatically/Manually entered:  Manually entered is the typical selection. It protects this adjustment from being deleted in the next pay period.

Date/Time Entry:  Set the date and time of the adjustment.  It will appear in date order on the time card. 

Hours:  Enter the number of hours.

Overtime Adjustment:  If this is an adjustment to account for overtime, check this box.  The hours will then be transferred from regular time to overtime in calculation totals.

Hour Calculations
The math behind time card hour calculations is explained below.

Total hours = all hours worked (includes regular, overtime and differential (Rate 2) hours.
OT hours = overtime hours.
Rate 1 hours = hours paid at the regular rate.
Rate 2 hours = hours paid at the differential rate.

Rate 1 hours = (1 - Rate 2/Total hours) * Regular hours
Rate 2 hours = (1 - Rate 2/Total hours) - Rate 1 hours

So Rate 2 hours Rate 1 hours = Regular hours.

Rate 1 OT hours = (1 - Rate 2/Total hours) * OT hours
Rate 2 OT Hours = (1 - Rate 2/Total hours) - (Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 1 OT hours)


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