Bridge - TigerView  

TigerView is imaging software from Televere Systems.  Visix for ScanX is a rebranded version of TigerView, so use the TigerView bridge.
Televere Systems website:

To activate the bridge, in the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links.  Double click TigerView in the list.  Check the Enabled box, then verify the Path of file to open is correct, and check the command line argument and Additional Properties.  Click OK.  You will now have a button in your Chart module labeled 'TigerView'.

As of version 14.2, thumbnails are pulled into EZ2000 Plus Dental with the help of TigerView EMR. 
1.  Run TigerView EMR and set an export path.
2. In Additional Properties on the Progam Links window, set the TigerView EMR folder path to the export path. 

If set up properly, when EZ2000 Plus Dental starts and while it's running, thumbnails will be copied from the Tigerview export folder into the patient's  folder.  An 'x-ray' Image Category that "shows in Chart module" will be automatically created in Definitions.  So, thumbnails will show under the x-ray category in the Images module and there will be an x-ray tab at the bottom of the Chart module.  If you do not see an x-ray tab, make sure "show in Chart module" is set in Definitions.

Technical Details
EZ2000 Plus Dental writes data to the Tiger1.ini file similar to this:

AddrStreetNo=123 Main

EZ2000 Plus Dental then launches Tigerview.  Tigerview opens with no splash screen to the designated patient.  Tigerview deletes the patient information from the ini file.

Problem: When I push the TigerView button to launch TigerView, I see a message in TigerView which informs me that a provider was not specified.
Solution: If there is only one provider within TigerView (ex "System Admin"), then you can call TigerView support to enable the option to bypass the provider window.  Even if you have multiple providers in EZ2000 Plus Dental, you will probably only have one provider inside of TigerView, and that provider is usually named "System Admin".  If you have multiple providers inside of TigerView, see feature request #2295.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033