Open Dental Software Manual - Popups



Popups are automatic messages that are triggered every time you open a patient's record and can be important messages such as prophylactic antibiotics.

When you click OK, the popup is disabled for 7-10 minutes on your workstation only. Changes to popups are tracked in the popup audit trail, and any deletions are permanently archived.

Set Up Popups
In the main Toolbar, click Popups.

Active and disabled popups are listed. To view popups that have been deleted, check the Show Deleted box.  Double click an existing popup to edit, or click Add.

Level:  Select when this popup will be triggered.  Popups are only triggered when you switch to a patient record; moving between modules will not trigger popups.
  - Patient: Triggered when you switch to this patient. 
  - Family: Triggered when you switch to any member of the patient's Family.
  - Superfamily:  Triggered when switch to any member of the patient's Superfamily.  The patient must be part of a superfamily for this option to be available.

Permanentely Disabled:  Disable the popup so that it is no longer triggered when you switch patients.  It will still list in the Popup list.

Popup Message: Enter the popup message.

Delete:  Remove the popup from the Popup list.  It will no longer be triggered, but can still be viewed when you select Show Deleted on the Popups for Family window.

Audit Trail:  Click to view a log of any changes made to the message in this popup.  User, date and time are tracked. Double click on a popup to open the Edit Popup window.  Changing a level or disabling a popup is not tracked in this audit trail.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033