PT Dental Paperless Technologies




PT Dental Paperless Technologies  

PT Dental offers paperless technologies.  Website:  There is a functional 2-way bridge to handle Registration Forms

Set Up the Bridge
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Enable both PT Dental buttons.  Double click on PT Dental and PT Dental Update in the list. Check the Enabled box, and click OK. You will now have buttons in your Family module labeled 'PT Dental' and 'PT Dental Update'.

Using PT Dental
You will always create the patient first in EZ 2000 Plus Dental.  This patient will now have an automatically assigned PatNum.  Click the PT Dental button to send the patient data to PT Dental.  Now, both programs will have the same patient data.  You will also use the PT Dental button any time you wish to open the patient in PT Dental.  If the patient fills out a form in PT Dental, whether online or in the office, certain patient data may need to be updated.  This includes demographics, insurance, referral, and med alerts.  You can use the button in PT Dental to send this information to EZ.  You will see a box come up in EZ informing you that the transfer was succussful.  See the newly created Commlog entry for details that couldn't be automatically transferred, such as insurance and referral.  If you ever make changes in EZ which you wish to send to PT Dental, use the PT Update button in the EZ toolbar. 

Technical Details (for programmers or support staff)
The data transfer involves about 6 different files, all in C:PTUSI.  This path is hard coded. Both PT Dental and EZ know which filenames to use when passing data back and forth. They also know how to watch for new files so that there is no delay.  The files involved get deleted immediately after they are consumed.  The EZ PatNum is used as the primary key in all data transfers.  So any field can be changed, including last name, first name, and birthdate without confusing the synchronization functionality. Patients may use PT Dental to fill out forms in the office or online.  When they do it online, PT Dental is responsible for synchronizing the data between its website and each locally installed PT Dental program.  From there, the data is transferred to OD. PT Dental will also provide a scripting program that simulates mouseclicks and keystrokes to interact with EZ 2000 Dental.

The PT Dental script attempts to open the Referrals window for the patient.  But there is no button in the user interface.  So EZ 2000 allows a key shortcut of Ctrl-Alt-R.  The script then uses this keystroke to open the Referrals window.  Unfortunately, the Ctrl-Alt-R combination doesn't work on some computers.  Nobody knows why.  So in version 15.2.9, we also added Ctrl-X as a keystroke that will open the Referrals window.  The PT Dental script should be using the newer keystroke.