- Sheets: Radio Buttons


Sheets - Radio Buttons

On Sheets, radio buttons are a special kind of Checkbox.  When filling out a form, if a user clicks on one radio button in a group, the others will automatically uncheck. 

There are two types of radio buttons:  Import and Misc.

Import Radio Buttons
Import radio buttons correspond to a database field and values can be imported into the database.  They are used in Patient Forms, Medical Histories, and Exam Sheets

When you click on an available field, the available Radio Button Values appear.  A radio button should be created for each value.  A user can only select one value for each field.  To allow multiple selections, create a checkbox instead.  See Sheet Fields Types.

Misc Radio Buttons
You can define your own radio button group using the misc Field Name.  Misc radio buttons do not correspond to a database field and thus their values cannot be imported.  However, they are reportable.

Group Name:  Enter a common name for all radio buttons in this group (e.g. Family Heart History).
Reportable Name:  For each radio button option, enter a unique option name.  This is the name that will be reported.  (e.g. Paternal Only, Maternal Only, Both, None)

To create  checkboxes that allow multiple selections, create 'misc' checkboxes that each have a unique Group Name.


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