Sheet Field Types


Sheet Field Types

This is an area that you may need assistance with the technical support team at EZ2000 Plus Dental Softwarfe. Several field types can be added to a Sheet:  Output Text, Static Text, Input Field, Line, Rectangle, Checkbox/Radio Buttons, StaticImage, Signature, and Patient Image. For most field types, there are specific properties that can be set.  Default values for the entire sheet are set in Edit Properties on the Sheet Defs window. 

Font:  Font name, size and bold/not bold can be set per field.

Growth Behavior:  An attribute that can be set for fields when it is not known ahead of time how large the input will be. Setting the growth behavior will never cause a field to shrink; it will only grow bigger.
  - Down Local: Typically used for the address because it is not known ahead of time if it will span one or two lines. If the field grows to two lines, the fields immediately below are bumped down (like CityStateZip).
  - Down Global: Useful for table style data and letter bodies. Bumps down all fields on the entire sheet that are below the field that's growing.

Position:  Positioning is determined using the x and y axis.   X = horizontal.  Y = vertical.
  - X/Y Pos:  X and Y values determine where the upper left corner of the field, checkbox, line or rectangle starts on the sheet. 
  - Width: The width, relative to the X/Y Pos value.   If a field input exceeds the width, information will span multiple lines.
  - Height: The height, relative to the X/Y Pos value.  If you increase font size, you may need to increase field height so that all text is visible.

Required:  If checked, the user must enter a value for this field before saving the form.  For radio buttons, all options should be similarly marked (not required or required.)

Below is a description of each field type.

Output Text
Output text fields pull information from the database to prefill a text field when the sheet is Filled Out, thus eliminating some manual data entry. For example, a time/date output field will automatically populate the field with the current date. The fields available for the sheet type are listed under Field Name. If the sheet type is previewed prior to printing, you can edit output text after it is generated.  This field type is not available for sheets with a type of patient form or medical history. 

Static Text (In-line)
Static text fields are used to label fields or checkboxes, or for larger paragraphs.  This text will display exactly as you enter it.  If the sheet type can be previewed, static text is editable when Filling Out the Form

You can also insert output fields within a paragraph of static text. 

Enter the text in the large text box. To insert a output text field, click on an available database fields under Click to insert Field. These extra fields are hard-coded for the Edit StaticText Field window only, and fields cannot be added to, or removed from, the list. If there are other fields you would like to have added, please submit them as a Feature Request. Such fields are usually added with the next version release.

For Patient Letters:  StaticText Fields can pull information from a patient's most recent Exam Sheet automatically.  An Exam Sheet Field button will appear under the Click to insert Field area.  See Patient Letters.

Input Field
Input fields are used where a user should enter data.  They are most commonly used in Patient Forms and Medical Histories where entered data can be Imported directly to the database. 

The available input fields are listed under Field Name.

'Misc' can be used when you want to collect information that doesn't have a field name.  The entered data cannot be imported, but can be reported.  Enter the Reportable Name.  

See Medical Histories for special setup instructions for medication, allergy and problem input fields.

Line, Rectangle
Fixed lines or rectangles can be added to the background anywhere on the sheet. 

Lines:  Negative values are allowed.
- X and Y Pos: Where the line starts.
- Width: How far the line extends from the X/Y position (line length).
- Height: How far up or down the line extends from the X/Y position. Entering a value here will make a diagonal line.

- X and Y Pos: Where the upper left corner of the rectangle starts.
- Width: The width of the rectangle, relative to the X/Y Pos.
- Height: The height of the rectangle, relative to the X/Y Pos. 

Checkbox & Radiobuttons
Checkboxes are a defined area where the user can click to toggle an X on and off.   A checkbox refers to the actual X that is toggled on and off.  There is no rectangle around the X, making it useful for scanned backgrounds. If there is no scanned background, you can add a rectangle behind the checkbox as a visual indicator. Suggested size for the checkbox is 11x11 and for a surrounding rectangle, 12x12.

Checkboxes can allow multiple choices, or require users to select one option out of many. They can correspond to a specific field in the database, or be a 'misc' option that is still reportable. See Radio Buttons.  Checkboxes for medical histories require additional setup.  See Medical Histories.

Import large or small images. Images can be used for an entire background based on a scanned form, or as smaller graphics (e.g. logos). Only image files can be imported (.jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .bmp). Word and PDF files must be converted to image files. 

Note:  Images are not tied to signatures, thus changes to an image will not invalidate a signature (see Signature below).  Place information that should invalidate a signature in a text field instead.

File Name:  Click the dropdown arrow to select an image from the SheetImages folder.  Or click Import to select another image file. You will see a preview in the middle of the window.

Width/Height:  The dimensions of the image in the sheet.  Change the values to resize.  To quickly enlarge an image to its maximum width/height, click Shrink to Fit.

File Size:  Indicates the image's original file size, in pixels. 

If you place a small image on your sheet, it may make lines and rectangles not show.  To solve this issue, add a larger background image as well.  See Freehand Drawing in Sheets.

A Digital Signature box can be inserted into sheet types that display before printing. The form can then be signed directly on the screen or using an external signature pad. The signature will be electronically tied to all the other data on the sheet (except images). If any data is later changed, then the signature will disappear and will instead display as invalid. Multiple signature boxes can go on a single sheet.   For now, Rx is one type of sheet that cannot accept a signature box because it always directly prints without preview.

Pat Image
Add patient images to the sheet.

Image Category:  Select the Images category where the images are stored. When the sheet is created, the first image listed in the category will be used.
X and Y Pos: Set the location of the upper left corner of the image.
Width: The width of the image.
Height: The height of the image. 


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 1-800-273-5033