Add Lab Cases

To create a lab case for a patient, in the Chart module, click LabCase.  A lab case can also be created from the Edit Appointment window by clicking Lab, New (usually when setting up the Planned Appointment).

Appointment:  The scheduled Appointment this lab case is attached to. Click Detach to remove the association with the appointment without deleting the lab case.

Planned Appointment:  The Planned Appointment this lab case is attached to.   Click Detach to remove the association with the appointment without deleting the lab case.

Provider:  The patient's Provider

Lab:  Labs must be seet up prior to using this function. Select the laboratory where this lab case will be sent. The lab's services and delivery dates will automatically list under Set Due Date.  Click on an item to automatically calculate the Date Time Due, skipping weekends and holidays (as set up in Schedules.  Assuming that holidays are days that both the practice and labs will be closed.)  Date Time Due does not take into account the provider Schedule.  After you click the turnaround time, it will not stay highlighted.  This list does not track what kind of lab case, it only generates the due date.  Dates can be edited as needed.  Laboratories, services and turnaround times are defined in Laboratory Setup

Instructions:  Enter all necessary instructions. 

Tracking Dates:  Track the progress of the lab case.  Click Now to insert the current date and time.
  - Created: When the lab case was created.
  - Sent: When the case was finished being packaged and set out to be picked up. It may not actually be picked up until hours later.
  - Received: When the lab case was processed by the office staff as having come back from the lab.  The box does not need to be opened.
  - Quality Checked: The box has been opened. The case appears to be ready to deliver to the patient. The staff has performed whatever quality checks are needed, including checking contacts, appearance, etc.

New Slip:  Create a Lab Slip.  Lab slips can be set up and customized in Sheets Setup.  Set default lab slips for each dental lab in Laboratory Setup.

Once a lab case is added, it can be viewed or edited in the Chart module, Progress Notes.  Also see Manage Lab Cases.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033