Referral Setup


Referral Setup  

In Referral Setup this is where you maintain and manage a list of all Referrals

In the Main Menu, click Lists, Referrals, or click Referral From or Referred To on the Referrals for Patient window.

Double click an existing referral to edit, or click Add to add a new referral.  If adding, a message will show asking if the referral source is a patient.  If Yes, Select the Patient first. 

If the referral is another patient, many fields will not be editable here.  Instead see the Patient Edit window.

Hidden:  Check this box to remove this referral as a selection in the Referrals list.

Not Person:  Check this box if the referral is not a person (e.g. yellow pages).

Notes:  Notes entered here will show in the attached Referrals for a patient.

Is Doctor/Specialty:  Check this box if this is a doctor, then select a specialty.  This information will appear in the Select Referral list.

Used By Patients:  Quickly identify how many patients have been referred to or from this referral source.  Click the dropdowns to see patient names.

Referral Slip:  Each referral can be assigned a default Referral Slip Sheet template.  The slip can be based on a scanned referral slip from that dentist.

Advanced Users
The information shown on the form above is actually kept as a copy in the referral table. The reasoning behind this is that it makes reporting much simpler than having to make multiple joins between tables and handle conditional situations.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033