Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks


Open Dental Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks

EZ2000 Plus Dental drug-drug and drug-allergy checks occur when you enter new paper Prescriptions using the NewRx button at the top of the Chart module.  Interaction alerts can be based on a Medication, an Allergy, or a Problem. You must manually set up alerts before they will be triggered.

EHR users:  In Measure Calculations, paper prescriptions count towards the denominator, but not towards the numerator. Thus, these checks should only be used if you are applying for the exclusion for electronic prescriptions.

Triggering Alerts
For alerts to be triggered, two conditions must be met:

  1. The patient must have the problem, medication, or allergy entered on the Medical window. 
  2. You must create a paper Prescription using the template that contains the alert. 

When you select the template, the check will occur and the alert message will show.

High significance alerts are always triggered.  Low significance alerts only show if you have that option selected in EHR Setup.

Set Up Alerts
Alerts are created in Prescription Setup.  To ensure alerts work correctly, make sure your master Problem, Medication and Allergy lists do not contain duplicates. 

1.  In the Main Menu, click Lists, Prescriptions. 
2.  Click Add to create a new prescription template, or select an existing one.
3.  Enter or verify the prescription information.
4.  Create the alert. Click Problem, Medication, or Allergy, then double click an item to select it from the master list.  
To set up alerts for a category of drugs, add an alert for each medication in the category that you might prescribe.  For example, if you add an allergy to NSAIDs, you might add alerts for Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen. Each item you select will list in the Alert box.
5.  To review the conditions that will generate the alert, or to customize the alert message, double click on the alert.

If this is a High Significance alert, check the box. 


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033