Billing List

In the Billing section you can select billing options and generate a billing list and batch statements.  This page describes how to generate the billing list and batch statements.  To select and enter billing options and defaults, see Billing Options.

Appointment reminders will always show on all bills.

  1. In the Manage module, click Billing.
  2. Select the Billing Options that determine who shows in the Billing List, and what appears on statements.
  3. Once you have selected the options, click Create List.  All guarantors that meet the criteria will list.

All rows will start out as highlighted, and normally you will simply click Send to print or e-mail bills. You can also:
- Click and highlight specific bills.
- Click None to clear all selections, or click All to select all rows again. 
- Edit individual bills:  Double click on a row to open the Statement window. 
- Edit several bills at once:  Highlight the bills, then click Edit Selected. 
- Click Print List to print the list of bills (not individual statements).
- Leave this window open and go work on individual Accounts.  The bills will show as 'unsent' statements in individual accounts.

Filtering and Sort Options: 
  - Filter the list by status (sent/unsent), Clinic, or statement date range (start/end date). If you change the statement date range, click Refresh to update the list.
  - Sort the list by Billing Type or Patient Name. 

Mode - E-mail, Mail, Electronic
Whether a bill is printed, e-mailed, or sent electronically is determined by the Mode. If you have selected an electronic billing option in Billing Defaults, then the mode for all statements will be 'Electronic'. Otherwise, the default mode is determined by BillType. 
- If the family Billing Type (set on the Patient Edit window) is an e-mail billing type (Definitions, Billing Types, E=Email bill), the default mode is e-mail. 
- If not, the default mode is mail. 

To manually change a bill's Mode, double click on the row and select the Mode.

When you click Send:
- Bills marked a "electronic" can be viewed and edited before approving them for sending.
- Bills marked as "mail" will be generated as one .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat), and previewed on-screen. Click Print to send the statements to the printer. 
- Bills marked as "email" will be e-mailed directly. The statement will be attached to the e-mail as a .pdf, and the default E-mail message will be used. If an e-mail address is missing, that bill will be skipped and you will be notified.
Once bills are successfully sent or generated as PDFs, a confirmation message will show.

Unsending Bills
If  the printing process get messed up, you can "unsend" bills so you can reprint. 
1. Click the Sent radio button at the top of the Bills window.
2. Highlight all printed bills you want to "unsend", then click Edit Selected. 
3. Uncheck the Sent box. This setting will apply to all selected bills. 
4. Click OK to return to the Billing List.  Click the Unsent radio button to see all the bills.  If you can't find the bill you are looking for, make sure the date range is inclusive enough.

Monthly Billing Reports
As part of a monthly process, you should run all the monthly reports, most importantly the Aging of A/R report. As you review old accounts, change their billing type from standard to precollections so that you can run a separate aging report of accounts that need to be followed up on. Your billing types may be different depending on how you set them up in Definitions.

Precollections: A second aging report can be run that has more restrictive settings to create a call list of accounts that require attention. For example, you could run a list with precollections billing type and with any balance. They will have already received a bill, but you now have a list of guarantors that need to be called. These types of calls should always be recorded in the Comm Log section of the Account module.

The rest of the monthly reports may then be run and followed up on over the next few weeks.


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